Inukshuk 30/25 — The Inukshuk Professional Dog Food Blog | Inukshuk Professional Dog Food

Inukshuk 30/25

The Atlantic Herring

The Atlantic Herring

This small, silvery-blue cold water fish is found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean and often gather with up to a billion others in schools! They are one of the most nutritious foods for both people and pets.

Official Launch of Inukshuk Factory Outlet

Fredericton dog owners can buy high performance Inukshuk Professional Dog Food factory direct

FREDERICTON, NB: This week, Atlantic Canada’s only commercial pet food manufacturer announces the official launch of its INUKSHUK PROFESSIONAL DOG FOOD Factory Outlet. Inukshuk Professional Dog Food is a high performance dog food primarily designed for working and athletic dogs. Mainly sold around the globe in bulk to K9 specialists, breeders, kennels, sled teams and working dog professionals, Inukshuk Professional Dog Food is available for “by-the-bag” purchase at the Inukshuk Factory Outlet on Hodgson Road.

Inukshuk Professional Dog Food is available factory direct. Inukshuk sales and marketing rep Scott Archibald says “...we’ve been selling Inukshuk out of the front office for 3 years now, but it just wasn’t something we advertised. But now we want every dog owner in Fredericton to know that they too can feed their dogs the exact same high performance food that is trusted by K9 handlers, professionals and working dog specialists all over the world. Inukshuk is a nutritionally rich, high performance food that is always fresh, affordable, and it’s made right here in Fredericton”.

To mark the occasion, the Inukshuk sales team had vinyl graphics of the iconic Inukshuk brand installed on the front windows of the building. “ when people drive by the factory on the highway, they can’t miss us, and they’ll know they can buy one of the best professional dog foods on the market right here in Fredericton” Archibald says.

The Myths and Misinformation Surrounding Corn

Corn has had a long and controversial history in the world of dog food. While some of those concerns are credible, others come from some level of misunderstanding. Here’s a quick look at what’s real and what’s not:


What does corn actually do?

Whole Grain Corn, when finely ground, (as used in Inukshuk Professional Dog Food) is a source of highly digestible carbohydrate. In this form, it also contains more fibre, more protein and less starch than many other corn derived products.

The benefits of corn and why we use it.

The benefits of corn and why we use it.

When is corn bad?

Corn’s poor reputation derives from too many large-scale manufacturers using corn as a primary protein source. The reason for doing this is because corn is much cheaper than meat - as such, manufacturers were able inflate the percentage of protein in their dog food.

Dogs may be omnivores, but for optimum nutrition, the majority of ingested protein must come from an animal source. When feeding plant-based protein, you risk creating a deficiency in many of the essential amino acids (proteins), vitamins and other nutrients that dogs require.

This is exactly what happened to the dogs being fed vegetable protein heavy diets. These concerns are valid and consumers should definitely avoid pet food products that use corn as a primary protein source.


When used appropriately, corn’s high digestibility can be a powerful asset in a performance diet. Corn also has a very low glycemic index which provides a steady rise in blood sugar levels. It also provides dogs with energy before their metabolism turns to burning fat for stamina and endurance.


The reality is that corn isn’t bad for your dogs as long as it is used in limited quantities and included as a source of carbohydrate, not protein. In such cases, it is a highly nutritious ingredient in dog food.


  • Emily Corey (PhD. Candidate), VP of Pet Foods at Corey Nutrition Company

  • Case, L. P. Daristotle, L., Hayek, M. G. and Raash, M. F. 2011. Canine and Feline Nutrition: A Resource for Companion Animal Professionals. Third ed. N.p. Mosby Elesvier, 2011. Print.

7 Interesting Facts about Military Dogs

Working Dog Spotlight: Military Dogs

#1 - World War II saw the first organized deployment of military dogs

Although dogs were used sparingly in previous battles and wars dating all the way back to Egypt, World War II was the first organized deployment of canine warriors.


#2 - In 1941, British advertisements began targeting local dog owners asking them to loan their dogs to fight for their country.

Would you loan your dog? About 3,300 people across the world did!

#3 - A group of civilians came together on the belief that their sled dogs could effectively serve the army in a variety of functions. Together, they formed a coalition called Dogs for Defense.

This group was created in 1941, shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. They would become the primary training force for sentry dogs.

The U.S. Army was involved in the development of this organization and encouraged dog owners across the country to donate their dogs for training. 

#4 - The most used dog breeds were German Shepherds, Dobermans, Boxers, Bull Terriers and Labradors.


#5 - The most common jobs were guard dogs, messenger dogs, scout dogs, detection dogs, assault dogs and even parachute dogs.

The Army’s initial canine members were trained for sentry duty.  The dogs were trained to alert their handlers to any strangers in their vicinity and to attack on command. Sentries were the primary use of dogs during World War II because of the worry that enemy submarines would invade. 


As that threat began to diminish over time, the role of dogs in the war shifted to scouts and messenger dogs

A plan was developed to train “assault dogs” to attack enemy soldiers without any human guidance or commands. This plan, of course, failed.

Perhaps the strangest use of dogs were the “Paradogs”. A group of dogs who were taught how to parachute and then dropped behind enemy lines.

#6 - With the German’s new landmine innovations, general bomb detection methods had become obsolete. Thus, detection dogs were created.

Although the idea seemed strong, it was not understood at the time how sharp the canine sense of smell truly is, resulting in mostly ineffective training methods for mine detection.

#7 After the war, it was discovered that dogs are actually able to pick out the chemical components within explosives.

World War II paved the way for how military dogs are used in in the modern era Now that we know more about dogs’ behavior and their acute sense of smell, we now deploy dogs in a much more effective manner.

Check out the rest of our Working Dog Spotlight series: